Friday, October 8, 2010

Great Festivel Dashain

Dashain is a great festival for all of the Hindu people of the world.Specially, this festival is celebrated in Nepal and India as greatest festival.The festival is marked for the win over the evil by the supreme power by goddesses Durga.
The first day of Badadashain festival is called"Ghatasthapana" that falls on the first day of the bright half day of the lunar calendar in the month of October.On the day of "Ghatasthapana" all HIndu Nepalese people worship Diyo(an oil-fed lamp),Kalas(auspicious Jar)and lord Ganesh accordance with Vedic rituals and sow maize and barley seeds in a jar filled with soil and cow dung for germination of the auspicious Jamara (barley shoots).
The Jamara (barley shoots) are later on the 10th day is cut and along with the auspicious are given by parents to their children and by elders to their juniors on the tenth day of the Badadashain festival with blessings for peace, progress and prosperity.

There is also a tradition of sacrificing animals while initiating the germination of the "Jamara".

People have gathered around the Hindu Goddesses shrines since the early morning and the gathering of people will continue throughout the festival.

People also recite sacred verses and hymns dedicated to Durga Bhawani (Goddesses) at temples and shrines as well as at people's homes throughout the Dashain period.

The festival is also marked by wearing new clothes, eating delicious food (especially meat of he-goat), meeting with relatives and friends, playing cards, among others.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Nepali National Anthem in English Version

We are the flowers of hundreds, the one garland - Nepali
Sovereign, spread out from Mechi to Mahakali.

Amazing nature's millions of heritages
By the blood of the braves, independent and immovable.

Land of Knowledge, land of peace, Tarai, Himals, Mountains
Undivided this beloved, our mother-land Nepal.

Diverse race, language, religion, culture are so large
Our progressive country, long live, long live Nepal.